Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
Cathi Herrod and her Christian Taliban at the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) are having a bad week. First the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal from the state of Arizona of CAP's attempt to defund Planned Parenthood.
Now Governor Jan Brewer has vetoed the Religious Bigotry bill from CAP, SB 1062, approved by our Tea-Publican lawless legislature.
Here is Governor Brewer's SB1062 Veto Letter (.pdf).
Here is Governor Brewer's Remarks (.pdf) at her press conference. Excerpt:
My agenda is to sign into law legislation that advances Arizona.
When I addressed the Legislature earlier this year, I made my priorities for this session abundantly clear...
Among them are passing a responsible budget that continues Arizona’s economic Comeback.
Additionally, our IMMEDIATE challenge is fixing a broken Child Protection system. Instead, this is the first policy bill to cross my desk.
Senate Bill 1062 does not address a specific and present concern related to religious liberty in Arizona. I have not heard of one example in Arizona where a business owner’s religious liberty has been violated.
The bill is broadly worded and could result in unintended and negative consequences.
After weighing all of the arguments, I vetoed Senate Bill 1062 moments ago.
We really dodged a bullet there
Crossposted from Democratic Diva 2/26/2014
So Brewer vetoed the very bad no good Center for Arizona Policy bill, with the attention of the world on her, and of course we must all contact her and thank her, for Republicans must be praised effusively like good doggies who haven’t soiled the rug on those rare occasions they do the right thing. Personally, I’d be embarrassed if people’s expectations of me were that low but, then again, I’m just one of those adults in the room.
We really did dodge a bullet and at risk of sounding cynical, I’m glad the focus was on LGBT discrimination from a purely tactical standpoint in addition to the moral and human rights ones. Having it framed as targeting LGBT citizens was what brought the fiercely negative reaction in the media and the organized business community around to kill it. But make no mistake, this was also very much an anti-choice bill. CAP spokesman Aaron Baer cited Hobby Lobby in a TV interview as an example for why SB1062 was needed. Had contraception access been the main public focus – and I bet CAP wishes like hell it had – there’s a good chance the bill would have been quietly signed into law with nary a peep from the Chamber of Commerce crowd because sluts.
The obvious, and only, way to put the brakes on all this dumb shit is to elect more pro-choice Democrats.
Feb 27, 2014 6:43:45 PM | Abortion, Arizona State Legislature, Campaigns, Commentary, Convention, Donna Gratehouse, Elections, GOP War On..., Governor, Healthcare, Legislation, Religion