Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
A poll of Republican primary voters taken this week reveals that a majority of Republican primary voters want Governor Jan Brewer to veto SB 1062. The Arizona Capitol Times (subscription required) reports, Poll: GOP voters want Brewer to veto SB1062:
In the automated poll of 802 Republicans by Coleman Dahm, a Republican political consulting firm in Phoenix, 57.1 percent of respondents who were asked about the bill said they would like Brewer to veto it. Only 27.6 percent said they want her to sign SB1062. The remaining 15.3 percent had no opinion. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points.
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Bert Coleman, one of the firm’s partners, said that the poll was of “hard core” Republican voters who had voted both of the last two primary elections. He said the results show that even conservative Republicans believe the bill is bad for the state’s image and will harm its economy.
Now, you are scratching your head and asking yourself, "How is it possible that 50 out of 53 Tea-Publicans in the Arizona legislature voted in favor of SB 1062, when a majority of even Republican primary voters want Governor Brewer to veto this bill? How is it possible these Tea-Publican legislators were elected to office when they are so out of touch with their own constituents?"
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'We have met the enemy and he is us'
Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
A pair of headlines in the Washington Post today brings to mind Walt Kelly's Pogo cartoon, and his admonition that "We have met the enemy and he is us" -- Americans are responsible for the decline of their government:
People hate Congress. But most incumbents get re-elected. What gives?:15 percent of people approve of Congress. 90 percent of incumbents win. Huh?
Poll: Fewer say Obama can 'get things done':
Fewer trust Obama's abilities after setbacks on sequester and guns . . .
Due to unprecedented GOP obstruction in Congress!
Public perceptions are being shaped by the Beltway media Green Lantern-ites who persist in the myth that President Obama possesses some super-hero power to bend Congress to his will. The Green Lantern Theory of the Presidency.
What the Beltway media villagers refuse to acknowledge and to accept is the simple undeniable truth presented by the high priests of Beltway centrism, Thomas Mann and Norm Ornstein: "[W]e have no choice but to acknowledge that the core of the problem lies with the Republican Party." Let’s just say it: The Republicans are the problem.
So wake up America! Pull your head out of your ass. No super-hero is coming to save you from your own willful ignorance and lazy indifference to your government. You are your own worst enemy. You have no one to blame but yourself.
May 9, 2013 1:48:26 PM | AZBlueMeanie, Commentary, Congress, Media, Polling