By Michael Bryan
hat tip to Crooks & Liars:
Perhaps Governor Dingbat's staff should just stop allowing her to do live interviews.
Brahm Resnick interviewed Brewer post-election and prodded her regarding the softening in her party nationally on comprehensive immigration reform after the drubbing her ticket got among Latinos (a 44% gap on the Presidential line). He asked Brewer if she would now be open to a comprehensive immigration deal now that her enforcement first position has so thoroughly alienated Latino voters.
"But here's the thing," Resnik pointed out. "With John Boehner and Sean Hannity, Grover Norquist and [Maricopa County Attorney] Bill Montgomery -- what he said in particular was, 'You know what? We can do both at once. We can secure the border and do comprehensive immigration reform.' Is that something you're on with? Because it sounds like you are just a secure-the-border-first person."
"What ever works," Brewer replied. "If we can do both at the same time, I'm fine and dandy with that. But we cannot resolve these kinds of issues today and then have the problems still existing."
Well, that's certainly a new tune for Brewer.
Of course, she didn't really mean it. On Sunday, KPNX reported that Brewer's office had contacted Resnick after the interview was recorded on Friday to walk back her support for comprehensive immigration reform in concert with securing the border.
Spokesman Matt Benson said, "the governor still believes in securing the border first," Resnik wrote. "He added that she was willing to 'come to the table' to deal with all immigration issues. Later Friday, the governor's office issued a statement reaffirming her 'secure the border first' stance."
It should not come as a surprise that Brewer's head remains buried in the sand. Toward the end of the interview she clearly implied that the Obama Administration intentionally leaves the Tucson sector "unsecured" in order to whip up racial animus to secure the Latino vote.
When asked if the GOP, and the AZGOP especially, deserved any blame for alienating Latinos, she replied, "No, President Obama, in the last four years, they've had four years to get our borders secured and they refused to do it, but yet we know they can. We know that they can secure the borders. Why won't they secure the border? Because they wanted that out there because they knew that they could turn it into an issue of all about racism."
Say what? So Obama has purposely left the border insecure (despite cleverly covering his tracks by plowing more billions into enforcement, deporting at a record clip, and radically expanding manpower on the border) in order to alarm white folks so much that they'll go batshit, pass a bunch or racist legislation and piss off Latinos, so that in turn Latinos will feel so disrespected by the GOP that they'll vote for him in droves? Now we're deep in the crazy...
Reality adjustment just isn't in the cards for politicians like Brewer and Arpaio. They are incapable of acknowledging that their belief that the Obama Administration and Dems are exploiting racism is nothing more than projection of their own racist motives onto the opposition. The AZGOP has been successfully exploiting racial animus and the fears of white America to win elections for several cycles now. Expecting them to stop now and support a reasonable resolution is like expecting a Coatimundi to ditch its own tail rings.
If the GOP wants a fresh start with Latino voters, they can only do so with fresh GOP politicians who didn't cut their teeth on denigrating Latinos and scaring the shit out of white voters (with headless corpses in the desert, for example...)
to get elected. Of course, that disqualifies nearly every currently elected AZ GOP pol...
See the video after the click...
Want to Leave the Union? Just Move...
By Michael Bryan
It seems a lot of folks are so upset by that black Muslim Communist winning a second term that they are ready to split... from the Union. People from more than 20 states have created petitions on the White House web site to allow their states to leave the Union. Including Arizona, of course. You can get a look at this modern George Washington who started Arizona's petition in a report from CBS5.
I actually can sympathize with these folks to some extent. I was pretty darn upset and disappointed when George W. Bush stole the Presidency (IMHO) in 2000. I said, and wrote, a bunch of stupid and angry things at the time. I'm sure that many will similarly regret their pique and come back to their senses when the black helicopters fail to land on their lawns.
What I never did was give up on America. These folks seem to have done so. Thier hatred and fear of Obama, and liberalism (or to be more stingingly accurate - moderate conservatism) in general, is apparently greater than their love of their country. I find this surprising. I never suspected that the conservatives I disagree with didn't love their country and respect our democratic system - now I have evidence to the contrary.
If you love America, you stay and fight to make it a better place - no matter what happens in government. Conservatives and jingoists (if there is any non-overlapping domain in that Venn diagram) often say, "America - love it, or leave it!" Doesn't it mean you don't love it if you choose to leave it?
Just look at America today. We have a re-elected Democratic President, a Democratic Senate, we are winding down Bush's wars, and America has a growing sense of purpose in addressing the massive political and economic problems of our nation. Who could have predicted this in the slough of despond we progressives found ourselves in 2000? Would any of that have been possible if Democrats had decamped for Canada en masse, or tried to sever our liberal states from the Union?
If you love your country, you stay and fight to make it better - you don't slink off with your toys because you don't like the way the game is going. Maybe that's why the cowards who sign these petitions to the White House don't display thier last names. They are (rightfully) embarrassed.