Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
Action Alert from Arizonans for Gun Safety:
HB2339 will be heard in the Arizona House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, February 20 at 8 AM. This bill will require all Public (state and local government) buildings and events to provide metal detectors and/or security personnel to screen people entering if they want to prevent people with Concealed Carry Weapons permits from entering with their guns.
This is a really bad bill and we need the Coalition to show strong opposition. Here’s what you can do:
If you are registered in the Arizona Legislative Information System (by having signed up in person at the Capitol kiosk), please go into ALIS and Request to Speak. You can select not to speak, select "against" HB2339 and give comments to support your position. Here are talking points you can use:
· Arizona voters do NOT support guns in public buildings. In a 2011 public opinion poll, an overwhelming 75% of Arizonans including 72% of gun owners opposed allowing guns in government buildings.
· The cost of providing the required security measures at public building entrances will be prohibitive and an unfunded mandate on local governments.
· Guns do not belong in places designed for families, children and youth. Society has always deemed places like swimming pools, libraries, and community centers as gun free zones. There is NO EVIDENCE that supports changing this long held policy.
· Law enforcement officials believe more guns in public places will complicate police work and endanger bystanders, if when they respond to a shooting scene there are multiple people with firearms in their hands.
"Both parties suck! Wah! Why won't you Democrats fix it?!?"
Crossposted from
Laurie Roberts at the AZ Republic is beside herself that the well-heeled proponents of the dumb Top Two Primary idea are, as she delightedly exclaims, baaaaaack. (Much more after the jump)
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Feb 12, 2014 1:52:05 PM | Abortion, Activism, Arizona Congressional Delegation, Arizona Congressional Races, Arizona State Legislature, Campaigns, Commentary, Donna Gratehouse, Editorial, Elections, Endorsements, GOP War On..., Gun Policies, Healthcare, IOKIYAR, Legislation, Media, Party Politics, Primaries, Redistricting, Tucson