By Craig McDermott, cross-posted from Random Musings
Well, they've reached the first "deadline" week of the session, and that is reflected in the length of committee agendas.
Friday is the last day for bills introduced in a particular chamber to be heard in that chamber's committees. There are exceptions (bills can still be considered by the Appropriations committees) or exceptions can be made (schmooze the Senate President/House Speaker), but for the most part, proposals that don't pass committee by the end of the week are dead.
...Unless they are revived by a strike-everything amendment (striker) and pasted into the frame of another bill that *did* pass committee. But that's another post...
This week, because the agendas are so long, and so fluid, this post will be presented in two parts -
Wednesday and Thursday's schedules will be in this part, while the agendas for Monday and Tuesday are covered here.
All committees meetings and agendas are subject to change without notice, and frequently do. If you plan to travel to the Capitol to observe or weigh in on the consideration of a particular measure, check with the lege ahead of time to confirm that the meeting that you are interesting in is still on schedule and your item(s) of interest is still on the agenda for that meeting.
Meeting rooms designated "HHR" are in the House of Representatives building.
Meeting rooms designated "SHR" are in the Senate building.
Some agendas are summarized as "looks harmless", but if they cover an area of interest to you, examine the agenda and the bills on it. If I missed something significant, please leave a comment letting me know.
All House committee agendas can be found here.
All Senate committee agendas can be found here.
On the Senate side of the Capitol -
Continue reading "Arizona Legislature: The Coming Week - part 2" »
Arizona Legislature: The coming week
By Craig McDermott, cross-posted from Random Musings
...While last week was the final week for most bills to receive committee consideration in their chambers of origin, there is still committee activity this week.
And as evidenced by the explosion of controversy last week over the railroading of the bigots' rights bill (aka - SB1062), all sorts of hell can break loose at the Capitol at any moment.
All committees meetings and agendas are subject to change without notice, and frequently do. If you plan to travel to the Capitol to observe or weigh in on the consideration of a particular measure, check with the lege ahead of time to confirm that the meeting that you are interesting in is still on schedule and your item(s) of interest is still on the agenda for that meeting.
Meeting rooms designated "HHR" are in the House of Representatives building.
Meeting rooms designated "SHR" are in the Senate building.
Some agendas are summarized as "looks harmless", but if they cover an area of interest to you, examine the agenda and the bills on it. If I missed something significant, please leave a comment letting me know.
All House committee agendas can be found here.
All Senate committee agendas can be found here.
On the Senate side of the Capitol -
Continue reading "Arizona Legislature: The coming week" »
Feb 23, 2014 7:37:47 PM | Arizona State Legislature, Commentary, CPMAZ Craig McDermott, Legislation