Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
Tea Party leader, retired Army general and former Fox News contributor Paul Vallely, in a recently published video told the Surprise Tea Party Patriots that, if given the troops, he would lead a coup against the U.S. government. Retired Army General To Tea Party Group: I Would Lead A Coup Against The U.S. Government:
Vallely made his comments in a discussion with the Arizona-based [Surprise Tea Party Patriots] last December, a recording of which the website Right Wing Watch recently acquired. “I had a call this afternoon from Idaho, the gentleman said, ‘If I give you 250,000 Marines to go to Washington, will you lead them?’” Vallely, who was Fox News’ senior military analyst during the Iraq War, told the group. “I said, ‘Yes, I will, I’ll surround the White House and I’ll surround the Capitol building, but it’s going to take physical presence to do things.”
Video below the fold.
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Arizona Legislature 2014: not much new under the sun
By Craig McDermott, cross-posted from Random Musings
A couple of early updates from the new session of the legislative session:
While some of the names have changed, some things haven't changed at the Capitol. Like the arrogance and culture of entitlement among the majority caucus.
Exhibit 1: They're proposing to pay any legislators, current and past, who claim to have incurred legal costs from lawsuits against their infamous anti-immigrant measure, SB1070. (Arizona Capitol Times, subscription required)
Something similar to this has been proposed before this week; after former senator Russell Pearce was recalled. There was a move to reimburse him for the costs of his campaign in (unsuccessful) defense of him. That move didn't go far, not least because he didn't actually pay for his defense - contributors did.
Pearce's acolytes in the lege may have failed the first time, but they haven't stopped looking for ways to funnel taxpayer money to him.
Exhibit 2: One state legislator, Sen. Don Shooter (R-Yuma), in response to proposals to end the practice of legislators accepting tickets to sporting events from lobbyists, proclaimed that unless legislators get a pay raise he's going to keep accepting bribes tickets.
For the record: I actually agree with Shooter on one thing - legislative pay should be raised. Most would-be public servants are honest and honorable people. However, they also have families to support and cannot do that on the current legislative salary of $24K per year.
So, instead of people who want to work for the best interests of their constituents and the state, Arizona ends up with the majority of the legislature is made up of whackjobs and grifters.
I'll leave it to readers to determine for themselves which category (or both, they're not mutually exclusive) that Shooter fits in.
In any event, he knew what the pay level for legislators was *before* he took his oath of office. While I think that legislative pay is too low, that doesn't justify corruption. He gets absolutely no sympathy on this.
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Jan 15, 2014 9:07:20 PM | Arizona State Legislature, Commentary, Corruption, CPMAZ Craig McDermott, Religion, SB1070