Editor MDB- I have long recognized the lack of any specific expertise in environmental issues among our writers, with the notable exception of occasional contributor Russell Lowes. We at BfAZ are all passionate about the need to preserve our environment as the foundation of all human well-being and wealth, but the crew of bloggers and I recently decided that we should invite someone with the relevant academic, scientific, and policy knowledge to write regularly and authoritatively about environmental issues affecting Arizona.
Will B. Greene (no, that is not a pseudonym!) answered our call. I asked Will to introduce himself to you. We are thrilled that Will is joining our conversation here at BfAZ. Please look for his byline for environmental news and commentary in coming days, and leave a comment with your suggestions and encouragement for our newest blogger.
By Will B. Greene
It’s an honor to receive an invitation to contribute “environmentally focused” posts for this blog – a blog that has made a significant impact on Arizona’s political discussion since its inception as Howard Dean’s Arizona campaign blog in 2003. I’ll briefly introduce myself below.
You could say I am a monster created somewhere deep in Michael Crow’s Tempe laboratory. President Crow’s School of Sustainability brought me to Tempe, and opened my eyes to the tremendous challenges Arizona, our nation, and world face if we hope to maintain our relatively comfortable and affluent society.
In Arizona, all other environmental concerns must take a back seat to the planetary emergency of climate change, and I expect most of my writing will directly or indirectly focus on climate impacts, solutions, and the politics in Arizona that affect both.
I have a unique perspective on Arizona’s energy and environmental situation, having been associated with solar advocate and Corporation Commissioner Paul Newman as a special assistant in his policy office, and most recently as his campaign manager.
My environmental background comes from my experience as a student, founding Arizona Student Environmental Coalition, a statewide student group focused on energy, climate, and environment. I am proud to serve on committees with Arizona Interfaith Power and Light, an organization committed to providing a “religious response to climate change”, as well as Sierra Club’s Grand Canyon chapter, and Environment Arizona.
Scott Smith for Governor? Beware of "centrist" mayors.
I'm about to do a post that is similar to one I did on Democratic Diva a while back but since that site is down and Brahm Resnik of 12 News in Phoenix just tweeted that Mesa Mayor Scott Smith intends to announce his bid for the GOP gubernatorial nod in Arizona, I'm going to repeat my warning:
There was a guy by the name of Pat McCrory in North Carolina. He was the Mayor of Charlotte, a medium-sized city which had enjoyed a good bit of high tech development in recent years. McCrory was considered a centrist, and was the darling of the Chamber of Commerce and media establishment types in NC. When he ran for governor in 2012, McCrory styled himself as a keen-eyed, business focused pragmatist. At debates and endorsement interviews he swore up and down he wasn't going to indulge the tea party ideologues in the state legislature. He was all about jobs jobs jobs! When he was specifically asked about abortion at one forum, he gave a one word answer - "no" - to signing any bill involving abortion into law.
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Jan 8, 2014 6:56:13 PM | Announcement, Arizona State Legislature, Campaigns, Commentary, Donna Gratehouse, Economics, Elections, GOP War On..., Governor, Healthcare, Legislation, Media, Political Events, Primaries