Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
The job of the Attorney General of the state is to conduct investigations and to prosecute trials. Arizona's Attorney General Tom "banned for life by the SEC" Horne must have misunderstood the job description, because since he has been in office he has been under investigation and is being prosecuted at trial. The man is a disgrace and embarassment to lawyers and law enforcement. If he had any sense of morality and decency, he would have resigned his office long ago -- and saved the taxpayers of Arizona the expense of investigating and prosecuting him.
Howard Fischer reports, AG Horne's campaign finance case heads to trial today:
Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne heads to court Monday. But this time the state's top law enforcement officer isn't the prosecutor.
Instead, Horne and one of his aides are facing civil charges of violating the state's campaign finance laws when he ran for re-election four years ago.
Horne and aide Kathleen Winn deny the allegations that they illegally coordinated spending in his 2010 election while she ran an independent committee called Business Leaders for Arizona.
The charges were brought by Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk in October. A three-day hearing is scheduled before an Arizona Office of Administrative Hearings judge starting Monday.
Polk determined that the pair violated state campaign finance rules and ordered Horne to return nearly $400,000 to donors and amend his campaign finance reports. She also is seeking civil penalties of three times the amount.
Polk found reasonable cause to believe Horne and Winn worked together to raise about $500,000 through the Business Leaders for Arizona group she chaired.
A court ordered settlement conference in January resulted in no agreement. No settlement reached in Tom Horne campaign finance case.
Unbelievably, this shameless individual is seeking a second term as Attorney General. Under no circumstances should the voters of Arizona repeat this terrible mistake.
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