Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
Announcement from the Progressive Democrats of America (Arizona):
Put the Constitution behind Pay Equity
Help end discrimination on the basis of sex permanently by ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment. Bring HCR2016 to a vote in the Arizona Legislature.
Currently, ERA ratification is stalled in the Arizona House Judiciary Committee. This is the last week for bills to be heard. If HCR2016 is not heard this week, it will be dead for this session.
Contact Judiciary Committee Chair Eddie Farnsworth ([email protected], 602-926-5735) and tell him to put HCR2016 on the committee's agenda. The women of Arizona deserve economic equality.
You can also contact your representatives and senators about the ERA. Tell them that you support the ERA and encourage them to vote for ratification when it is considered by the full legislature.
Arizona House roster
Arizona Senate roster
Just last week we learned that the new woman CEO of General Motors was earning half the salary of her male predecessors so discrimination on the basis of sex is still going strong in the United States even at the highest corporate levels.
Without the Equal Rights Amendment laws like Lily Ledbetter and the Pay Equity Act have no teeth. There is nothing in the United States Constitution that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex so these piecemeal laws have no judicial standing.
Please sign the petition to the Arizona legislature asking them to support the bipartisan legislation introduced by Rep. Victoria Steele (HCR2016) and move the country one step closer to full equality under the law.
Arizona State Coordinator: Dan O'Neal, [email protected] 480-650-0746
Phoenix Chapter Coordinator: Virginia Hauflaire, [email protected]
East Valley Chapter Coordinator: Nick Collins, [email protected]
Northern Arizona Chapter: Sallie Kladnik, [email protected]
Cochise County Chapter: Alison McLeod, [email protected]
Tucson Chapter: Phil Lopes, [email protected]
Note: I strongly encourage you to contact the "Mythical Moderate Republican" Rep. Ethan Orr (R-Tucson) who, to his credit, is a cosponsor of HCR2016. Let's put his alleged influence over his Tea Party cohorts, such as his committee chair Rep. "Fast Eddie" Farnsworth, to the test. It's ime to deliver for your Tucson constituents, E.Orr.
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