Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
They're baaack! The gun worshippers and fetishists in the Arizona Legislature have a slew of new bills to honor and worship their false idol god. Howard Fischer reports, Laws upping gun owner rights coming to Legislature:
A Senate panel voted Thursday to strengthen laws allowing people to bring weapons into public buildings if there’s not an easy and immediate way to check them.
Dave Kopp, lobbyist for the Arizona Citizens Defense League, said a 2006 law says individuals are permitted to arm themselves. He said that law allows those operating public buildings to tell people their weapons are not welcome only if there are convenient lockers available .
He said some government agencies claim having lockers near entrances would be too costly. Kopp said that puts those who refuse to disarm themselves at risk of being arrested on a charge of misconduct with a weapon. SB 1063 (.pdf) would end that risk.
“The only thing the bill changes is it basically says if you are not providing the required storage that’s been required since 2006, then folks can just walk on in,’’ Kopp said.
Other bills on gun rights are pending:
Rep. Brenda Barton, R-Payson, wants to allow anyone who has a permit to carry a concealed weapon to bring it into most public buildings, even if lockers are available. HB 2339 (.pdf) would not apply when a building has security guards and metal detectors.
Barton also is pushing a measure that could throw a roadblock in the path of police trying to question someone they have stopped about whether they are armed.
[Because who cares about the safety of law enforcement officers really? (sarcasm)]
Under current law it is a crime for someone to not answer that question truthfully, even though the only grounds a police officer needs to ask the question is “reasonable suspicion’’ a crime has been or is about to be committed.
HB 2337 (.pdf) would raise that threshold to “probable cause,’’ a higher legal standard.
Other gun proposals filed include:
- Allowing faculty at community colleges to carry concealed weapons onto campus (HB 2186 .pdf);
- Increasing the penalty on those who try to take a gun from someone who is legally carrying it (HB 2338 .pdf);
- Setting up a “citizens marksmanship program’’ to train eligible adults (HB 2190 .pdf);
- Allowing those prohibited from possessing weapons to have firearms that are not currently working (SB 1064 .pdf) [I assume this is for the fetishists who need a gun to get off]
Rust never sleeps, and neither do the far-right wingnuts who dream of a "guntopia" on Earth.
Some Democrats are pushing back with measures to roll back previously approved gun laws. Their bills include:
Heresy! Heathens! Infidels! Bow down before thy lord and god, the gun! These Democratic bills will never get a hearing from the gun worshippers and fetishists in the Arizona Legislature.
Don't speak to me of your "Christian values" (sic) when you worship a false idol.
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