Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
So the "editorial board" of The Arizona Republic, formerly known as The Arizona Republican, and the mouthpiece of the establishment Republican Party in Arizona, editorializes today that it is all for House Judiciary Committee Chairman "Fast Eddie" Farnsworth's (R-Gilbert) bill, HB 2196 (.pdf), to repeal the GOP Voter Suppression Act, HB 2305, and to deny you, the citizens of Arizona, your constitutional right to vote on a citizens referred referendum.
More than 100,000 Arizona citizens signed the petitions for a "citizens veto" of the GOP Voter Suppression Act, exercising their constitutional right under the Arizona Constitution to vote to veto the legislature's anti-democratic measure.
No matter to this unsigned editorial from the "editorial board" of the Republic. Repeal HB 2305 and end this mess.
This opinion clearly is not shared by everyone at the Republic. Columnist Laurie Roberts called the Republican legislature's attempt to repeal a measure referred to the ballot for a "citizens veto" as "skullduggery." Are legislators plotting end run around voters in election-law referendum? Columnist E.J. Montini said this action shows "exactly how much the Republicans who control the Legislature resent Arizona voters." Will lawmakers vote to deny your vote? Columnist Linda Valdez has not written an opinion on the subject recenty, but in the past has opposed the GOP Voter Suppression Act.
The one person at the Republic who has promoted the very strategy that our Tea-Publican Legislature is following in his columns is Robert Robb, a former board member of the "Kochtopus" Goldwater Institute and the Arizona Chamber of Commerce. So does Robb speak for the entire "editorial board"? Who owns this editorial?
We are soon to embark on another election cycle of Laurie Roberts' "De-Kook the Capitol" campaign, where she tries to convince gullible voters that there are "moderate" Republicans who can save us from the far-right GOP crazy base (and that Democrats are "irrelevant"). Just ignore the insanity at the Arizona GOP Winter State Committee Meeting this past Saturday (that the Republic failed to report).
I would posit to you that "De-Kook the Capitol" begins with "De-Kook The Republic," the mouthpiece of the establishment Republican Party in Arizona. Getting rid of George Will's mini-me, Robert Robb, the patrician prevaricator for the plutocracy, and the Rush Limbaugh of The Republic, Doug MacEachern, would be a good start.
It is editorial opinions such as this, Repeal HB 2305 and end this mess, that renders The Republic's editorial page "irrelevant."
Letters to the editor, please.
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