Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
I cleared my schedule so I could watch the House Judiciary Committee debate two controversial bills this morning, but after a late start it was announced that the bills had been pulled from the agenda to "work on language." I hate when that happens!
-- House Judiciary Committee Chairman "Fast Eddie" Farnsworth's (R-Gilbert) bill, HB 2196 (.pdf), to repeal the GOP Voter Suppression Act, HB 2305, and to deny the citizens of Arizona their constitutional right to vote on a citizens referred referendum (and to clear the way for the GOP to enact other voter suppression bills this session).
-- House Judiciary Committee Chairman "Fast Eddie" Farnsworth's (R-Gilbert) bill, HB 2153 (.pdf), the House version of Sen. Steve Yarbrough's (R-Chandler) religious bigotry bill, SB 1062 (.pdf), for Mullah Cathi Herrod and her Christian Taliban at the Center for Arizona Policy (CAP), which would effectively give a license to any individual -- and to any corporation, association, foundation or other fictional legal entity ("corporations are people my friend") -- the right to discriminate against others simply by invoking the "magic words" that it is "my sincerely held religious beliefs." This is an attempt to eviscerate state and federal civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination. Ostensibly about "hatin' on the gays," Sen. Yarbrough acknowledged there may be individuals who have religious beliefs about unmarried women, or even employing people who do not share their same beliefs.
Keep an eye out for these bills popping up on committee calendars.
Thanks for keeping us informed!
Posted by: Tracy S. | January 23, 2014 at 11:43 AM