Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
In an editorial opinion for the Huffington Post today, President Obama writes Congress Needs to Pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act:
Here in the United States, we're united by a fundamental principle: we're all created equal and every single American deserves to be treated equally in the eyes of the law. We believe that no matter who you are, if you work hard and play by the rules, you deserve the chance to follow your dreams and pursue your happiness. That's America's promise.
That's why, for instance, Americans can't be fired from their jobs just because of the color of their skin or for being Christian or Jewish or a woman or an individual with a disability. That kind of discrimination has no place in our nation. And yet, right now, in 2013, in many states a person can be fired simply for being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.
As a result, millions of LGBT Americans go to work every day fearing that, without any warning, they could lose their jobs -- not because of anything they've done, but simply because of who they are.
It's offensive. It's wrong. And it needs to stop, because in the United States of America, who you are and who you love should never be a fireable offense.
That's why Congress needs to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, also known as ENDA, which would provide strong federal protections against discrimination, making it explicitly illegal to fire someone because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This bill has strong bipartisan support and the support of a vast majority of Americans. It ought to be the law of the land.
Americans ought to be judged by one thing only in their workplaces: their ability to get their jobs done. Does it make a difference if the firefighter who rescues you is gay -- or the accountant who does your taxes, or the mechanic who fixes your car? If someone works hard every day, does everything he or she is asked, is responsible and trustworthy and a good colleague, that's all that should matter.
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So I urge the Senate to vote yes on ENDA and the House of Representatives to do the same. Several Republican Senators have already voiced their support, as have a number of Republicans in the House. If more members of Congress step up, we can put an end to this form of discrimination once and for all.
Passing ENDA would build on the progress we've made in recent years. We stood up against hate crimes with the Matthew Shepard Act and lifted the entry ban for travelers with HIV. We ended "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" so our brave servicemen and women can serve openly the country they love, no matter who they love. We prohibited discrimination in housing and hospitals that receive federal funding, and we passed the Violence Against Women Act, which includes protections for LGBT Americans.
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America is at a turning point. We're not only becoming more accepting and loving as a people, we're becoming more just as a nation. But we still have a way to go before our laws are equal to our Founding ideals. As I said in my second inaugural address, our nation's journey toward equality isn't complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law, for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.
In America of all places, people should be judged on the merits: on the contributions they make in their workplaces and communities, and on what Martin Luther King Jr. called "the content of their character." That's what ENDA helps us do. When Congress passes it, I will sign it into law, and our nation will be fairer and stronger for generations to come.
The Senate now has enough votes to break the GOP filibuster in the Senate in Monday night's vote on ENDA. Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) announced on Monday that he would back ENDA, making him the 60th member to announce support for it.
So naturally the TanMan, nominally the Weeper of The House, announced today that he is opposed to bringing up ENDA in the House. John Boehner Opposes ENDA, Dealing Blow To Bill's Chances:
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) affirmed on Monday morning that he would oppose a law that would prohibit discrimination against gay and lesbian employees in the workplace, citing the possibility that it would put a financial burden on businesses.
"The Speaker believes this legislation will increase frivolous litigation and cost American jobs, especially small business jobs," Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said in a statement.
A Boehner aide added that the speaker's position on ENDA is not new. "We have always believed this is covered by existing law," the aide said, adding that it is "not a new issue or a new position -- it's a longstanding position, and, frankly, not 'news' at all. This has been his position, on the record, for years, stated publicly many times."
The remark from Steel is a tough blow for supporters of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
ENDA is no more a financial burden on business than is the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans With Disabilities Act, and a host of other federal employment nondiscrimination acts and labor acts. This is all about "hating on the gays," so let's cut the bullshit, TanMan.
There is no empirical evidence to support Boehner's claim of "frivolous litigation" in those 21 states and D.C. that offer protections which prohibit employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. (Of those 21, only 17 states also prohibit employer discrimination based on gender identity). Of course, for some Tea-Publicans, they consider all employment discrimination or civil rights claims "frivolous" and a financial burden on business.
As for Boehner's statement that "We have always believed this is covered by existing law," it is laughably false. There is no federal law protection, and that's not for lack of trying. A bill with the ENDA name has been introduced in nearly every Congress since 1994. In 29 states, including Arizona, it is perfectly legal for an employer to discriminate against an employee in the terms and conditions of employment on the basis that the employee is gay or a lesbian. 33 states have no laws protecting transgender workers, including Arizona.
So what the TanMan is really saying is that the constitutional rights of gay and lesbian Americans to equal protection under the law as secured by the 14th Amendment are not important to him, it is an inconvenience for him to even consider bringing it to a vote. Because the "Worst. Congress. Ever." is working so hard.
This does not mean that ENDA will not get a vote in the House. There is already talk of a discharge petition to bring the bill to the floor for a vote. That is a long shot, in most cases.
UPDATE: Greg Sargent reports in House Republicans set to kill ENDA?:
“I believe the Speaker should allow a vote on this bill,” Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) told me in an interview today. “I believe that the American public wants to make sure people are not discriminated against, based on race, religion, or sexual orientation.” . . . Dent said he thought around three dozen Republicans in the House would support ENDA.
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Boehner’s office is justifying his opposition by claiming ENDA “will increase frivolous litigation and cost American jobs.” However, as Sam Stein points out:
Top business leaders have begun pushing for the bill’s passage. And in July 2013, the Government Accountability Office issued a report concluding that in states with LGBT workplace protections, “there were relatively few employment discrimination complaints based on sexual orientation and gender identity filed.”
Dent similarly rejected this concern. “Much of American industry has already moved in this direction,” he said. “They have their own anti-discrimination policies.”
"Employment Non-Discrimination Act, also known as ENDA, which would provide strong federal protections against discrimination, making it explicitly illegal to fire someone because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This bill has strong bipartisan support and the support of a vast majority of Americans. It ought to be the law of the land."
Does this mean it will prevent workplace discrimination against women? The rights of women-- all women (straight, gay, bi, trans)-- are under attack from Republican Legislatures and employers across the country. You can see our second class citizenship in the continued BS rhetoric about Obamacare. STILL they are carping about birth control (used by 90% of all American women at some time in their lives) and abortion.
I'd be more impressed if Obama came out in favor of equal rights for women and extension of the deadline for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).
Passage of the ERA (in theory) would end all discrimination (not just in the workplace) against more than half of all Americans. Let's stop the piecemeal bestowing of rights.
Posted by: Pamela | November 05, 2013 at 07:36 AM