Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
With just ten days remaining in a vote-by-mail election for the Tucson City Council, the Arizona Daily Star finally got around to endorsing the incumbent Democratic council members. Star endorses encumbants Uhlich, Fimbres and Kozachik in City Council race:
Four years ago, the Arizona Daily Star endorsed Karin Uhlich and Richard Fimbres for seats on the Tucson City Council. Both are running for re-election and we renew our support in the November general election.
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We underestimated Kozachik, a Democrat who represents Ward 6 in central Tucson. He has demonstrated tenacity, fairness, thoroughness and a dedication to the details that we find refreshing and much needed on the City Council. His willingness to not only ask questions but to bring important problems to light, as he did with serious deficiencies with the 911 communications system, for example, benefits the city. He steps out front on issues, such as organizing a gun buyback event, and shows what an engaged, common-sense public servant can do.
Kozachik is running unopposed but nevertheless has earned our endorsement.
Long story short:
Uhlich and Fimbres were in office during dark days for Tucson that included substantial budget cuts and, as Uhlich told us, “a culture in the city that believed that any problem could be fixed with a new rule or regulation.” She says the latter has changed and continues to change. We agree.
We believe Uhlich should lead the council to continue streamlining the permitting process and generally easing the challenges businesses face opening and growing their operations.
With Mayor Jonathan Rothschild, elected in 2011, at the helm and the feud with the board that runs the Rio Nuevo downtown redevelopment taxing district in the rearview mirror, the council has made positive steps. It recognizes the wisdom of building business and trade relationships with businesses in Mexico, for example. It’s not perfect – no municipality can claim that – but it is better than it has been.
The momentum should be allowed to continue with Kozachik, Uhlich and Fimbres at the council table.
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