Tonight-- February 11-- Sustainable Tucson will host a panel discussion and public forum focusing on creative ideas for building a sustainable economy in Tucson.
Tucson is one of the poorest cities in the southwest, has a fragile desert ecosystem, and relies far too heavily on defense, the University of Arizona, and tourism for its vitality. We need diversification and creativity in our economic development efforts.
Tonight's speakers represent wide-ranging ideas from public banking and time trading to TREO's efforts in building Tucson's economy. The meeting will be held in the downtown library's lower level meeting room. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.; program begins at 6 p.m. Details after the jump.
Please join us for Sustainable Tucson‘s February Meeting where we’ll hear leaders and experts from Tucson and Phoenix, and engage everyone in discussion on the subject of sustainable local economy.
Our speakers will sketch the current economic condition of Tucson and the state of Arizona–prospects, challenges, and possible futures, and describe innovative approaches to exchange and finance that are emerging and could have a significant impact over the near term. We will look at the possibilities of publicbanking and alternative local currencies and exchange systems including community time banking, as well as innovative approaches to economic development for enterprises contributing to community resilience and sustainability – mutual credit clearing, micro-lending, and crowd-funding.
Some of our scheduled presenters for this meeting,
• Tom Greco - Moderator - Beyond Money – Tucson’s own world-renowned expert on innovative economic systems supporting community resilience and local economic independence.
• Michael Guymon – Tucson Regional Economic Opportunities (TREO). Michael will speak on The State of Tucson’s Economy. “Michael is responsible for planning, developing and implementing the business development strategies of TREO to attract, retain and expand jobs and capital investment for the region.”
• Jim Hannley – Progressive Democrats of America – Jim will describe ongoing efforts to institute Public Banking in Arizona.
• C J Cornell – Propel Arizona – a new platform for internet crowd-funding for local projects in Arizona. C J Cornell is Professor of Digital Media & Entrepreneurship at Arizona State University, and founder of Propel Arizona.
• Winona Smith & Chris Vansprouts – Tucson Time Traders – participating in Tucson’s local timebank is something that everyone can do right now to support local community and economy
(for possible changes and other presenters to be announced, please for updates!)
Doors open at 5:30 pm
The meeting will begin promptly at 6:00 pm
Free and open to the public
Lower-level meeting room, free lower-level parking off Alameda St.
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