by Pamela Powers Hannley
In case your invitation got lost in the mail, here's a reminder to dust off your "business attire", break out a few thousand greenbacks, and hit the road for a Paradise Valley VIP fundraiser.
Arizona's elite Congressional team will be joined by Speaker of the House John Boehner to raise big bucks for Republican candidates Martha McSally (CD2), Jonathan Paton (CD1), and Vernon Parker (CD9), who are running against Ron Barber, Ann Kirkpatrick, and Kyrsten Sinema, respectively.
I guess the Republicans have really given up on Gabriela Saucedo Mercer (Congressman Raul Grijalva's Teapublican challenger), since she is not listed on the invitation. It is odd that Senate hopeful Jeff Flake-- who is running against Dr. Richard Carmona-- is not listed as a beneficiary. (I guess he's getting plenty of help from the Koch Brothers and their ALEC pals.)
See the rest of the invite after the jump.
Senator Jon Kyl ۰ Senator John McCain ۰ Congressman Trent Franks
Congressman Paul Gosar ۰ Congressman Ben Quayle
Congressman David Schweikert
Invite You to a Reception in Support of
Martha McSally, Vernon Parker & Jonathan Paton for Congress
John Boehner
Speaker of the House
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
6:00 p.m. Round Table ۰ 6:30 p.m. VIP Photo Opportunity ۰ 7:00 p.m. Reception
Home of Karen and Bob Hobbs, Sr.
6250 North Hogahn Drive ۰ Paradise Valley, AZ 85253
Event Chairman $30,800
Two Tickets to Roundtable, VIP Photo Opportunity, and Reception
Event Co-Chair $10,000
Four Tickets to VIP Photo Opportunity and Reception
VIP Tickets $2,500
One Ticket to VIP Photo Opportunity and Reception
Individual Reception Tickets $500
Business Attire / Valet Parking
For questions or to RSVP please contact Jess Yescalis at (602) 400-5683 or[email protected].
Contributions to the joint fundraising committee, or any of the participating committees individually, are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

But Ann Kirkpatrick and Kyrsten Sinema's fundraiser with Nancy Pelosi at John Sperling's house -- a FREAKING BILLIONAIRE! -- is just low dollar. Peasants! You poor activist liberals have no idea how much the big money people own your party.
Posted by: lulzcat | October 23, 2012 at 01:09 PM
Rather owned than a terrorist shithead Teapublican retard. Just a question lulz...can you see Russia from your backyard? TOOL!
Posted by: Robert Rowley | October 23, 2012 at 11:20 PM