Posted by AzBlueMeanie:
The 2012 Democratic National Platform will be approved by convention delegates later today, and has been posted online. The Democratic Party Platform. The platform is captioned "Moving America Forward." Here are the section headings:
Moving America Forward (Preamble)
Stronger in the World, Safer and More Secure At Home
- Responsibly Ending the War in Iraq
- Disrupting, Dismantling, and Defeating Al-Qaeda
- Responsibly Ending the War in Afghanistan
- Preventing the Spread and Use of Nuclear Weapons
- Countering Emerging Threats
- Strengthening Alliances, Expanding Partnerships, and Reinvigorating International Institutions
- Promoting Global Prosperity and Development
- Maintaining the Strongest Military in the World
- Advancing Universal Values
You can download a copy of the Platform.pdf.
Here is a quick summary of highlights from the AP. Dem platform a sharp contrast to GOP positions:
Delegates will vote today to adopt the platform, which reflects the president's argument that his work is unfinished and he deserves another four years to complete the job.
The document is a sharp contrast from the Republican blueprint that the GOP adopted at its convention last week. The Republican plan would ban abortion and gay marriage, repeal Obama's health-care overhaul law and shift Medicare into a voucher-style program.
The Democratic platform calls for extending the middle-class tax cuts for the 98 percent of American families who make less than $250,000 a year, and makes a promise not to raise taxes on them. The platform claims a typical family has saved $3,600 during Obama's first term. "Now he's fighting to stop middle-class families and those aspiring to join the middle class from seeing their taxes go up and to extend key tax relief for working families and those paying for college, while asking the wealthiest and corporations to pay their fair share," the platform says.
The Republican platform would extend the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, pending reform of the tax code. It also says the party would try to eliminate taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains altogether for lower- and middle-income taxpayers. It also would work to repeal the estate tax and the alternative minimum tax.
The Democratic platform states that it "unequivocally" supports Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal, and "supports a woman's right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay."
The platform states: "Abortion is an intensely personal decision between a woman, her family, her doctor and her clergy; there is no place for politicians or government to get in the way."
The Republican Party platform bans abortion in all cases, even rape, incest and when the life of the mother is endangered.
The Democratic platform supports the movement to get equal treatment under the law for same-sex couples.
The platform says: "We also support the freedom of churches and religious entities to decide how to administer marriage as a religious sacrament without government interference." The platform opposes "federal and state constitutional amendments and other attempts to deny equal protection under the law" to same-sex couples.
The Republican Party platform affirms the rights of states and the federal government not to recognize same-sex marriage. It backs a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
The platform states that "Democrats are strongly committed to enacting comprehensive immigration reform." Immigration overhaul would include bringing "undocumented immigrants out of the shadows," requiring illegal immigrants "to get right with the law, learn English and pay taxes" to get on a path toward citizenship. It also calls for a visa system that meets the country's "economic needs, keeps families together and enforces the law." It acknowledges that administrative fixes are not permanent.
The Republican platform opposes "any form of amnesty" for those who intentionally violate the immigration laws, demands a halt to Justice Department lawsuits against states that have enacted tough immigration measures, would deny federal funding to universities that provide in-state tuition to illegal immigrants and advocates making English the official national language.
Democrats say the new health-care law makes Medicare stronger by adding new benefits, fighting fraud and improving care for patients. It notes that nearly 50 million older Americans and those with disabilities rely on Medicare. Over 10 years, the law will save the average Medicare beneficiary $4,200, the platform says. "Democrats adamantly oppose any efforts to privatize or voucherize Medicare," the platform says.
The GOP platform pledges to move Medicare away from "the current unsustainable defined-benefit entitlement model to a fiscally sound defined-contribution model." It supports a Medicare transition to a premium-support model with an income-adjusted contribution toward a health plan of the enrollee's choice.
Responsibly Ending the War in Iraq
"After taking office, President Obama removed our combat brigades and ended our combat mission on a 19-month timetable."
Pardon me if I am critical here but it isn't so much what is said as what remains unsaid. When is the war and occupation going to end? 2013? 2014? 2015? 2016?
"No. 720-12
September 03, 2012
DOD Identifies Army Casualty
The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.
Spc. Kyle R. Rookey, 23, of Oswego, N.Y., died Sept. 2, in Jalalabad, Afghanistan from a non-combat related incident. He was assigned to the 4th Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colo.
For more information related to this release, media may contact the Fort Carson Public Affairs Office at 719-526-7525."
Now I will admit the Republican Party and Mitt Romney specifically isn't promising any end to the occupation of Iraq either but just because the Republicans ain't promising jack ain't exactly a high bar to exceed.
Ralph Nader (and others) had it down in 2008.
"Foreign Policy: The Iraq War must end as quickly as possible with removal of all our soldiers from the region. We must initiate the return of our soldiers from around the world, including Korea, Japan, Europe and the entire Middle East. We must cease the war propaganda, threats of a blockade and plans for attacks on Iran, nor should we re-ignite the cold war with Russia over Georgia. We must be willing to talk to all countries and offer friendship and trade and travel to all who are willing. We must take off the table the threat of a nuclear first strike against all nations."
Here's to hoping a few more candidates for office in 2012 can claim the end of military occupations abroad as part of their platform.
Posted by: Thane "Goldie" Eichenauer | September 04, 2012 at 07:32 AM