Posted by Michael Bryan
Republican's main complaint about the independent redistricting process really boils down to just this:
"It treats the Democrats as an equal party," said attorney Tim LaSota, a Republican who monitored the redistricting process as part of the FAIR Trust, a group of lawyers hired by Republican congressmen.
God forbid.
Certainly, if the redistricting process were still in the hands of the GOP politicos who controlled it until the voters said "Basta!" in 2000, the Dems would have been treated like a red-headed step-child.
Really, this quote is all you need to know about the controversies and unconstitutional over-reach by the GOP regarding the AIRC in recent months. The GOP are willing to try anything to prevent the Democrats from being treated as equals in Arizona. They think that a 100K registration advantage among 6.5 million citizens gives them the right to absolute control of our government.
Sometimes I'm less than grateful for the ballot initiative process because of the results. But the creation of the AIRC is a perfect example of why the framers of Arizona's Constitution felt it wise to give the people direct recourse to the ballot: to counterbalance a legislature bent on putting a thumb on the scales for the party in power, in order to preserve and entrench that power perpetually.
No, that was not the complaint at all. The independent redistricting council operated in a criminal conspiracy for a specific purpose - it wanted to ensure the ability to take into account where incumbents live. That is a crime and they pulled it off.
But, it is not going to matter. Democrats are in for shock in this election. Republicans are going to turn out in levels unheard of since the beginning of time.
Posted by: Falcon9 | December 23, 2011 at 04:04 PM,_Proposition_106_(2000)
To MY way of thinking, every single district drawn should have been competitive. No favors to either party. That is the democratic thing to do. What is your gripe? There was no conspiracy, except, dare I say, the one living inside your head.
Posted by: Cheri | December 23, 2011 at 06:49 PM