Posted by Michael Bryan
Not only is the reaction to the Occupy movement in America short-sighted and repressive, it is antithetical to our stated foreign policy goals. Already we have seen the security forces of Egypt cite American treatment of Occupiers as justification for their own repression.
The Tea Party and the Occupy Movement, while by no means springing from the exact same grievances, do indicate a fundamental political dissatisfaction among Americans that is being addressed by neither political party effectively. Both are angry that the needs and priorities of the common man are seldom expressed, and almost never served by our political system, corrupted as it is by mountains of plutocratic bribes.
At base, the demand for a voice in the affairs of one's own nation, for the political means to secure economic dignity and fairness for the common citizen, are the foundation of both right- and left-wing protest movements in America, as well as those across the Middle East. How we treat a protestors occupying a park here in America should model how we expect protestors in Damascus and Tehran to be treated.
We are not doing a credible job of being the leader of the free world.
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