Why can't we all be Japanese? A very interesting essay, though a bit discursive into unrelated theological matters, introduces a major new cross-cultural study of the correlations between belief in the divine, and violence and sexual behavior.
The counter-inuitive, and politically provocative, conclusion of the study is that there is a strong positive correlation between a belief in God and rates of homocide and teen pregnancy, as well as other social ills. In other words, believing in God tends to make societies rather tawdry.
The exemplar of a non-violent and sexually responsible society is Japan, where over 80% of people accept evolutionary theory and less than 10% believe in the existence of any god. They have among the lowest homocide rates and rates of teen pregnancy on earth.
Of course, we are all familiar with the comparitive inefficiency of the United States in converting its immense wealth into social and physical health for its people. Our rates of homocide and teen pregancy are the very highest in the developed world, despite both our material abundance and the spiritual striving after moral perfection for ourselves and others (especially for others) that so dominates our politics and social policy.
In general, higher rates of belief in and worship of a creator correlate with higher rates of homicide, juvenile and early adult mortality, STD infection rates, teen pregnancy, and abortion in the prosperous democracies. Does this evidence mean there is a causal connection between the two factors? No neccessarily. But the moralistic and unscientific approach to solving such problems that characterizes the "faith-based" approach to such problems may undermine, or make impossible, rational, "reality-based" solutions.
It is certainly possible that were we to approach these social problems with the tools of social science, economics, system analysis, and statistical study, rather than moralistic pronouncements from a bronze-age text, we might make some progress on our worst social problems.
The examples are numerous.
Instead of telling teenage citizens that they must just resist nature, giving them no safety net in fear they will voluntarily step off the straight and narrow, we could give them the education and tools to make personal choices that have a positive social impact.
Instead of condemning violent crime (done by individuals without the sanction of the state, that is) and locking away the perpetrators, we could do that AND investigate and ameliorate the causes of violent crime such as child abuse, poverty, lack of education, and developmental health problems to foster a long-term reduction in violent crime rates.
Instead of maintaining a healthcare system that treats the wealthy and ignores the ill who haven't the coin to pay, we could create a universal healthcare insurance system the serves all citizens' basic needs and creates social incentives to lower the cost of care by addressing the incidence of epidemiological risks, such as diet, excercise, smoking, pollution that lower our quality of life.
Instead of continuing a moralistic war on the evil of drug use that costs billions, incarcerates millions, destroys our civil liberties, and denies fundamentals of market economics, we could stop the insanity and create a legal regime that instead creates revenue, provides treatment for the addicted, empties our jails, and safeguards the health of the public.
The list goes on and on, really. This study points to the very real connection between irrational belief systems and the stagnation of our social development as a nation. Among the costs of tolerating control of our politics by those espousing irrational, moralistic, and inflexible beliefs are murder, dead junkies, the unhealthiest wealthy population on earth, and youth exposed needlessly to sexually transmitted disease and the weighty consequences of premature parenthood.
Those of us in the "reality-based" community have a duty to speak out, and speak out strongly, against infecting the marketplace of our public discourse with the unchallengable and demonstrably harmful dogmas of established religion, even as we welcome the grace, charity, and compassion that often springs from personal faith.
The Democratic Party now stands for Buddah over "In God We Trust?"
Fostered belief in "The Emporer" and Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor as a "Superior Race!"
I do NOT recal any reference to Budda in the Constitution of The United States; and take offense to this notion we should become Japanese!
Japanese do NOT permit an open society.
As a Luthern myself ;and my Uncle is a Luthern Minister as was his Father before him in Bethlehem P.A. I find it intersting that we are "War Mongers!"
Evolution is a theory by scientists NOT religious Scholars. To say Scientists are practicing religious theory gets me all fired up!
If you think Scientists can bring peace to this Earth over a belief in God you should name this blog 666!
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 19, 2006 at 06:29 AM
Ok Francine; here is your chance to shine and agree that you support Buddah over God and look forward to becoming Japanese!
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 19, 2006 at 06:37 AM
Wave your penis around some and beat your chest, too, Dwight. That would be about as responsive to the argument and evidence I've presented as this chauvinistic non-sense about Buddha vs Jesus, like is a theological wrestling match.
I think that the utter tizzy such ideas throw into a man like you, is a very good example of why religious dogma deserves no place in political discourse: it's like taking to a wall... as it's falling on you.
Posted by: mbryanaz | August 19, 2006 at 06:43 AM
And to make things perfectly clear: No. The Democratic Party is not the party of God. We are the party of constitutional separation of church and state and secularist tolerance for the reglious views of others (so long as they don't try forcing them on any one else). Don't like it? I'll bring you a Republican Party registration form.
Posted by: mbryanaz | August 19, 2006 at 06:47 AM
My Family sailed to America on the Mayflower which landed in 1620 at Plymouth Rock. I think I can speak about why we chose to come to America instead of The Orient.
It was about being able to pray to a God of OUR CHOICE other than the Queen or King of England! We most certainly did NOT WANT TO WORSHIP AN EMPORER!
I was born with-in miles of Valley Forge P.A. and my family is deep in United States History. We ran the biggist underground railroad during the Civil War for slaves coming through Virginia to P.A. and those are called "Leister Safe Houses" and are "Historical Sites" for all to visit today.
My Family Castle is "Leister Square" in London right across the street from Buckingham Palace. We have asked Kings and Queens to please give us the "Leister" Crest and return ownership of the Castle but have been denied as of now. We have hired Lawyers to pursue it from here. We were expelled because my ancestor was seeing the Queen with-out the Kings knowledge.
I know of no-one who came to a place called America who wanted to escape Kins;Queens and Emporers who wanted any part of being ruled by an Emporer.
Mike let me tell you something right here and now. My Family have been Democrats and Lutherns for many generations and you are NOT going to chase us to any political party other than the one we have known longer than you have been around on this Earth. Do NOT mix Scientists with Religious Theologans;they are NOT the same. My Uncle The Rev. Jacob Longacre is a Theologen in The Luthern Church.
The reason we are seeing more problems in our society is because we have lost respect for simple teachings given to us to prevent such turmoil. Do you mean to tell me that Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Dr. Martin Luther King should become Republicans?
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 19, 2006 at 07:11 AM
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 19, 2006 at 07:19 AM
I think the premise of your comments are that we should not "Worship Bush" because of "Southern Baptists" support for him and getting him re-elected. There are many differences between Lutherns; Baptists and Catholics and Mormons. I as a Luthern DO NOT worship the Virgin mary as a God. There is only ONE God with many Tribes.
I have never brought Religion into Politics until YOU DID! Why do YOU have all the knowledge about Politics and Religion? I have not seen you as a Democratic Party Member or as a Theologeon or for that matter as a Scientist!
Look at the Polls 98% of Americans believe in God; you are in a Small Minority!
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 19, 2006 at 07:33 AM
Are you of the mind of Mel Gibson who said "Jews Started all Wars?"
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 19, 2006 at 08:11 AM
That was a truly fabulous post, and yes, it will drive Neanderthals into foamy mouthed tizzies and tirades. Look at him go!!!
I remember my parents insisting on the heaven / hell thing when I was six years old and rejected it outright. Never quite looked at them or adults the same way since. It was actually a frightening experience as a child. I also remember my aunt telling me our solar system was the only one that had planets.
I consider it reasonable to think there’s a legitimate, real something to human spirituality, and different cultures develop different ways to express and explain it. Scholars in the field can discuss similar features worldwide at many levels.
It is long past time for us to develop a more mature relationship with this stuff, but western civilization (which Ghandi remarked would be a great idea) seems unable to move forward, and we are paying dearly.
Sticking to the most superficial, just the simple story believers are supposed to, well, believe, we have all sorts of guys born to virgins on December 25 in mangers or caves and then dying for our benefit and returning to life a few days later. There’s Horus (3000 BC), Tammuz (2000 BC), Attis (1400 BC). Buddha was also born to a virgin on December 25, and his mother remained a virgin. If you relax the manger or December 25 requirement, there’s a bunch more. The visiting kings with gifts for the baby are also in most of the stories. The early Christians really liked the idea of Mary remaining a virgin, but Christ had a brother James, and giving him virgin birth stature, was, well, problematic.
http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/jesus_similar.html has some interesting comparisons, but be careful on the web. There’s some real quackery. True scholarship mostly occurs in the university religious studies departments.
Also rather amazing how many folks still think Moses wrote the Torah (as opposed to J, E, D, and P).
Posted by: x4mr | August 19, 2006 at 09:33 AM
Whew!! Y'all must be on something. What in the world has churned up all of this emotion?
For anyone who has heard me speak during this campaign, one of the things I have stressed is that there are way too many people minding other people's business. They need to get back to minding their own business. My world stops where your elbow begins - and vice versa. I am not here to tell anyone what they must to do. Minding my own business and knowing what I must to do is a full time job.
I found the study interesting. I re-read it and I'm darned if I can figure out why it generated so much heat!
Posted by: Francine Shacter | August 19, 2006 at 09:50 AM
No heat on this end. I think all the fireworks are coming from the same place, and the study is very interesting and consistent with how things look on my admittedly subjective viewscreen.
Could not agree more with you about folks trying to mind other people's business. The GOP's shoving its way into our bedrooms, bodies, and altars is part of the mess we're in.
Thanks again, Michael. I hope Dwight's tirade doesn't prevent others from considering it and any worthwhile remarks that it might solicit.
Posted by: x4mr | August 19, 2006 at 10:08 AM
What tirade?
I stated facts as they are and I was called a " Penis waver that beats his chest?"
Who has the anger problem here?
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 19, 2006 at 10:22 AM
I'm glad that this post isn't plagued by a troll. Especially one ignorant of world history, religious plurality, and basic internet etiquette. Yes, that would be terrible.
Posted by: leathej1 | August 19, 2006 at 10:51 AM
The comment is not worthy of an answer.
I have no idea what cracker box you were educated from!
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 19, 2006 at 12:32 PM
I love how you confirm every one of Michael's points with your mouth-foaming replies. Religion definitely does rot the brain!
Posted by: No More Mr. Nice Guy! | August 19, 2006 at 02:00 PM
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 19, 2006 at 03:38 PM
I noticed that this blog is listed as on the web as "The Unofficial Dean For President Site run by volunteers." The DFA is a 501c4 and is a non-profit. I also noticed you are taking advertising through google.
Why is an UNOFFICIAL WEB-SITE for the Chairman of The Democratic Party using DFA as a logo?
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 19, 2006 at 03:43 PM
As a Federal Candidate for Congress registered with the F.E.C. since April of 2004 and the Clerk of Congress and have made "Full Disclosure" I want to make sure Iam communicating my comments to a blog that is who it says it is, and is not in violation of Campaign Finance or BICRA.
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 19, 2006 at 04:16 PM
Geez, Louise, Michael. Must concur with Nice Guy.
You apparently struck a nerve.
Posted by: x4mr | August 19, 2006 at 06:01 PM
As your comments are from "No More Mr. Nice Guy" and Mortgage Brokers from Phoenix who have NO knowledge of CD8 or what faces Water and Land Use for Southern Arizona V Phoenix and a total disregard for anything that is enviornmentally smart for its future; Language and smears went beyond debate as I stated facts about myself they were thrown back as "Penis Waving!"
Lets see what Governor Dean says about those comments and others and if he wants his name associated with a blog like that?
I suggest any reference to the Democratic Party be used with the permission of the members and representations to DFA be cleared with the DNC.
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 20, 2006 at 01:11 AM
I read through the Candidate questions today in the Arizona Daily Star and found one interesting answer from Francie Schacter. Each Candidate was asked were was their favorite hang out. I expected to see "The Shanty" Drinking Liberally" but instead was the statement "I don't Hang Out!" Is Francie Embarressed about where she "Hangs Out" every Thursday that I can recal posted on this Blog or did we catch her in a Lie?
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 20, 2006 at 05:58 AM
Oh man, this is so not entertaining. Aren't the Cowboys playing today?
Posted by: leathej1 | August 20, 2006 at 08:43 AM
Yea, it's a shame. Note the timing of the posts. Anyone that is posting on blogs at 1:11 am AND 5:58 am has some wacky shit going on between those ears. Frankly it's a little unsettling. It's entirely possible that medical attention, sedatives, and one of those ankle bracelets that go off near schools and certain public places is warranted.
What annoys me is that Michael's post is very interesting and points to something that warrants discussion. I'm tempted to refer to this on another blog or just steal the material outright (would say where I got it) and see if it can be discussed elsewhere.
Posted by: x4mr | August 20, 2006 at 09:50 AM
Why does everything have to have either a sexual connotaion or in need of medical help?
I got in late from Douglas last night and was up in time to attend Church services at The Oro Valley Church of the Ressurrection Luthern Church.
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 20, 2006 at 11:40 AM
Just to clear up a few allegation by the irresponsible Mr. Liester.
1) When you use quotes around text, it means you are directly quoting something verbatim. Mr. Liester asserts that he was "called a " Penis waver that beats his chest?"" Note the correct use of the quotation marks. What I said was "Wave your penis around some and beat your chest, too, Dwight" Implied is the suggestion, "Why don't you". I never called anyone a penis waver. I suggested that Dwight become a penis waver, in addition to beating his chest like a proto-human. He was already writing like a Neanderthal, why not make the image complete?
2) Because some other site refers to this as a 'Dean for President site' does not make it so. I did blog for the Dean camapign, which is long over. The site has since dropped any and all official affiliation with any candidate or campaign. I certainly do not claim any affiliation or support from either Chairman Dean or the DFA organization, though I am both a proud member of DFA and of the Democratic Party. I'm not sure that either statement is true of Mr. Liester.
On a side note, since Mr. Liester proclaims himself a millionaire, I would welcome the sponsorship if he would like to support this wonderful website, which he seems to enjoy reading and posting to so very much. I would accept a mere $100,000 a year to proudly display any badge of affiliation Mr. Liester would like to provide. Unfortunately, such an affiliation would not preclude me from speaking my mind, nor suggesting that people go out and wave their penises at sundry strangers.
Posted by: mbryanaz | August 21, 2006 at 12:04 AM
I do NOT proclaim myself anything the IRS does.
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | August 30, 2006 at 07:55 AM