UPDATE: Picked up by Dave Niewert at Orcinus.
It surprised a lot of people when William Daniel Johnson jumped into the Democratic primary in Arizona's Congressional District 8 at the last minute. He filed his FEC organization on 5/13/06, and filed 1430 signatures on 6/14/06 out of the blue. That's nearly as many signatures as Latas and Weiss. Who collected them? Weiss and Latas have had very visible volunteer operations to anyone who is active in Democratic politics. Nobody was collecting for Johnson: nobody I know. Anyone you know? Probably not. So who collecteded all those signatures?
Who is this stealthy candidate? The biography on his website tells you he's a lawyer who practices international corporate law in Los Angeles and Tucson. What it doesn't tell you is that William Daniel Johnson of Los Angeles, California only passed the Arizona bar in 2006 [PDF]. Could be a coincidence, but it doesn't seem, despite his roots in the community, that Mr. Johnson has been here very long.
Johnson's biography tells you that:
"He was born in Pinal County, Arizona in 1954. His father and grandfather were born in St. David, Arizona. His great grandfather Johnson was one of the early settlers of Cochise County and was the first Bishop of the St. David Ward. All four of his grandparents are buried in Arizona and six of his eight great grandparents are buried here."
This is as interesting for what it doesn't say, as for what it does. Clearly Mr. Johnson is advertising his religious affiliation to all who might be interested without actually stating it. His great grandfather was a Bishop of the St. David Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Mr. Johnson seems to be clearly claiming a long and distinguished religious pedigree which proclaims him to be a devout Mormon without actually saying so. And it's fine that he's a Mormon; but speaking in code about the fact seems a little disingenuous. Of course, he may be very forthright about his faith with voters, and I could be reading too much into his biography.
Mr. Johnson seems forthright enough about his political background. His site states:
"Mr. Johnson is a traditional democrat--embracing the views and policies at the historical core of the party. His populist stances strongly favor the working man and woman, the environment and the integrity of our borders and nation. Since the 1980s, Mr. Johnson has engaged in numerous border control activities. He is involved with American Democrats for a Secure Border and is a major contributor to the Minuteman Project. He has spoken at national and international forums on law and immigration control."
His straightforward avowal of support for the Minuteman Project is laudible. His support of the organization, to many Democrats, is not. I think we can count on seeing this term 'Traditional Democrat' quite often in the coming months. It seems to me to be code for anti-immigration Democrat.
Here is where things start to get, well, odd. American Democrats for a Secure Border is the brainchild of Mr. Russ Dove, the man who does 'U.S. Constitutional Enforcement' polling place patrols looking for illegal aliens trying to vote and runs Truth in Action News. Russ hangs out with such folks as Tom Tancredo, Randy Graf and his just-fired manager Steve Aiken, perennial candidate and avowed racist Joe Sweeny, and Mexican flag burning, public official threatening Roy Warden. Billionaires for Bush even gave Dove a card in their Deck of Block the Vote Heroes: he's the three of diamonds.
Those who concern themselves with the underground politics of the militia movement provide a capsule biography of Mr. Dove:
"Unlike Vanderboegh and Wright, who head state organizations of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, Russ Dove's role in the MCDC is more circumspect. A member of the militia umbrella group the Third Continental Congress, Dove managed to escape association with that militia's most notorious criminal action-- Bradly Glover's planned attack on the US Army base at Fort Hood in 1997, which eventually sent seven members of the militia group to prison.
Based in Tucson, Dove has long been involved with the Sovereign Citizen Movement in Arizona, calls himself "Russ 'Sovereign' Dove," and styles himself a “biblical constitutionalist.” His hatred of government was no doubt stroked by his 1980 felony conviction in California for attempted grand theft (two first degree burglary charges were dismissed).
Dove's current principal role in the MCDC is as a propagandist. He produces video tapes for the Minutemen, filming interviews with many MCDC participants during their border patrol operations and authoring frequent reports on immigration issues on his Web site and “Truth In Action News” radio show."
Why dwell so thoroughly on the association with Dove? One might think this is just a second-hand association though a single organization and can have no real import for Mr. Johnson's candidacy. But Mr. Russell Dove is listed on Mr. Johnson's FEC filing as Johnson's Custodian of Records with the title 'Acting Manager'. So why is someone so clearly aligned with and active in GOP politics, engaged in race-based voter intimidation, deeply implicated in the racist militia underground, and a convicted felon, the 'Acting Manager' of a Democratic candidate's campaign?
The answer lies on Mr. Johnson's Issues page:
"Immigration control is one of the most important issue facing America today. All reasonable steps must be taken to secure our borders. Such steps should include building a fence and US troop deployment along the Mexican border, stop benefits to illegal aliens, make it a felony to be in the United States illegally and fine and imprison persons who hire illegal aliens. Mr. Johnson also believes that large-scale deportation of illegal aliens is necessary and proper. He will not support guest-worker programs of any kind."
2000 miles of fence. A militarized border. No guest-workers (which for very different reasons, I happen to agree with). Fine and imprison employers of undocumented workers. Wholesale round-up and deportation of undocumented immigrants: 12 million people. One wonders if maybe he supports Don Goldwater's idea of concentration camps along the border to build his 'fence' with slave labor.
This guy isn't a Democrat. He's not even a Republican. He's a xenophobic racist. What makes any Democrat think that this guy would support all our other values and policies if he is so diametrically opposed to a humane and sensible approach to getting immigration under control?
I'm not willing to use immigration policy as a litmus test for any candidate of any party, however. I think that a real solution is going to have to be a bi-partisan compromise in the end if we are to create a workable and stable immigration policy. But Mr. Johnson's own issue statements place him clearly outside the Democratic party. Take his stance on Social Security:
"Our Social Security system is slouching towards insolvency. Bill Johnson will give serious consideration to corrective action which includes increasing the age at which recipients can receive full benefits and slowing the rate of increase in those benefits. Bill's philosophy is that work is valuable for all segments of society. Under Bill Johnson's approach, your leisure years may be a little less leisurely."
What a wonderful campaign slogan: "Make your leisure years less leisurely. Vote Johnson!" Instead of increasing the income cap, or doing away with the unequal upper income tax give-aways, Johnson wants people to work longer and make do with less. In fact, Johnson catagorically rejects any tax increases, effectively locking in Bush's slashing of revenues from the top income bracket.
Johnson takes several superficially Democratic positions: withdrawal from Iraq, environmental protection, a balanced budget, and national health care. But when you look at the details the mean-spirited self-righteousness and dogmatism of the modern GOP begins to peek through. Johnson proclaims himself "generally disinclined to support new legislation" because we already have too much. He opposes more funding for education and thinks that the idea that college education is for everyone is an unworkable concept. His national heathcare would make everyone purchase health insurance from exploitive and inefficient private insurers and then maybe provide subsidies to low income people, but not for dental care! Screw your teeth, poor people, you don't need good teeth to eat.
If these are Traditional Democratic values, I think our Party is better off without them.
We need to call bullshit on this candidate. Bill Johnson isn't a Democratic candidate at all. He's a ploy by extremist racists to inject their hateful invective into the Democratic Primary process to make their xenophobic ranting seem bi-partisan, and thus mainstream. They seek to force the media to frame racial hatred as a force in both party's politics, and not just the shameful underbelly of the GOP. They seek to silence critics in the Democratic Party by rebutting us with the rantings of 'one of our own'.
Bill Johnson isn't one of our own. He's not a 'Traditional Democrat'. He's not a Democrat at all. Apparently, you can get 1430 registered Democrats to sign your petitions if you lie to them and use racist militia members and GOP hate-mongers to circulate your petitions in secret. But they can't be allowed to get a single Democrat to vote for their Trojan candidate due to ignorance or due to our silence.
Thanks for this informative, substantive blog entry.
Posted by: Randall Holdridge | June 26, 2006 at 11:45 AM
Yes, thanks, folks need to know this creepizoid for what it is.
I'll point people to this info if the name comes up elsewhere.
Posted by: x4mr | June 26, 2006 at 04:29 PM
The republicans are nothing but Israeli firsters who are ruthless colonial generals of the Israeli-Americas. Slavedrivers of the American chattel so that Hymie Wisenberg gets his stock options.
So someone with differning "extreme" views (a focus on America as its own nation, extremely extreme and Anti-semitic to think such irreverence to the Jewish state and World Noachide Court) would find a better fit in the democratic party; the other side. I'm all for candidates calling themselves whatever they want. Afterall, no one ever picks the third party. People not just against but apathetic or not etremely enthusastic about the jewish-power agenda will be chastised by the spineless factions in either party as either "extreme left" or "extreme right". So, facing no alternative but instant loss at the polls they should be allowed to air their "populist" (how is that a bad word?) opinions in both parties. The problem is just that you don't want anyone to pay attension, and just vote in the next blank slate ziostooge, the alternative is "scary".
This will force people from relying on the word of the party moron (you sir) "Vote Democrat! Vote Democrat! Vote Democrat! Else you're a NAZI!" And instead read up on the issues of the candidate. Then again thinking is "anti-semitic".
Posted by: Blackend War Metal | June 27, 2006 at 11:19 PM
Wow. That was... interesting.
Should we take it that Mr. War Metal is a Johnson supporter?
Posted by: mbryanaz | June 28, 2006 at 08:10 PM
I can understand why someone who ‘thinks Lopez Obrador (a socialist/communist dictator) is Right for Mexico... and America’ would say the things they say about me above.
It is not a matter of a difference of opinion when I say, “That the election of a communist dictator to Mexico would weaken Mexico and increase its threat to America, it as a matter of fact. It is not a matter of a difference of opinion when I say, “That any form of socialist/communist government is not equal to a Republic Representative form of government, that socialist/communist governments remove the right to be free; while a Republic Representative form of government provides the best base to freedom,” it as a matter of fact.
This is the second time in the last two days that I have heard someone say that the Democratic Party was ‘their’s’ as they stood to defame me in public, I see that the ‘their’s’ is the equivalent of the socialist/communist party bent on destroying the Republic Representative form of government that was the driving earthly force that lifted America to the high point it enjoyed through the mid 50’s. Oh how far we have fallen . . . Oh how bad it is going to hurt when it is our turn to feel the hit from such a high fall.
How could a “Biblical Constitutionalist” hate the government? When the American government was founded on Biblical principles and the Constitution created one the smallest governments in recorded history. Maybe you see my absolute distaste with the evil power/greed driven force that now threatens my freedom and seeks to enslave a whole class of peoples. Maybe you see my absolute distaste for the utter and total disregard for existing laws by so many foreign nationals and US citizens.
This issue of lawlessness ~vs~ lawfulness, legal ~vs~ illegal, documented ~vs~ undocumented and civil/human rights ~vs~ God Given Unalienable Rights is not just a Republican Issue it is an American Issue and Americans registered as Democrats will have a choice in 06 and 08 – as long as it takes to take America back! The data suggests that it is your numbers which are low, 70% to 90% say they want the borders closed-they cannot all be Americans registered as Republicans. What percentage are Americans registered as Democrats?
Oh by the way I am simply an American who will do whatever it takes to pass freedom on to my son’s children. So sad to be you, hate, even for you, is not something I know.
In faith
russ dove
Posted by: Russ Dove | June 28, 2006 at 09:32 PM
In 1960 the last traditional Democrat was elected to the presidency. His name was JFK.
JFK would not recognize today's party. Today's party would refer to him as a "Baby-Killer and Right Wing Hate Monger."
Today's Democrat leadership has abandoned the American working man (and woman)and traditional family values. You've embraced a "Diversity of Perversity." If a group has criminal status or engages in immoral behavior resulting in the spreading of deadly disease, you embrace it.
Trouble is, you still think you're rebels: You're not. You now are the "establishment." You've adopted all the mannerisms of those whom you still pretend to despise.
Today, liberal (and Democrat) Pima County legal institutions employ the same techniques used in the sixties by southern Red-Man chawing hick judges and prosecutors to silence the speech of black civil rights activists. That's why they're prosecuting me for burning the Mexican Flag.
Over the past six months I've spoken with many Democrats who are disgusted with today's party. You'll hear from some of them in the primary.
When Johnson runs up astonishing numbers for an underfinanced newcomer, or wins, you'll find out the meaning of the slogan: "Democrats didn't leave the party, the party left them."
Posted by: ROY WARDEN | June 29, 2006 at 12:20 PM
Too bad I don't like in AZ-8 so I can vote for this guy but thanks for the heads up. I will be sending him a large campaign donation.
Most of these positions sound very much like Democratic positions. Withdraw from Iraq? That's not superficial. Most of the other things you pulled out of the hat about this guy's positions are politically in the middle: disinclined to support new legislation, views on Social Security and the environment, etc. Your Mormon-baiting is loathsome. As for immigration, his views are not substantially different from those of many other Democrats, the AFL-CIO prior to 1999, the Sierra Club prior to 1996, James Moran prior to 1998. Since the late 90s there has been a radical political correctness clique trying to force rabid pro-immigration views in liberal and Democratic circles, and they (you) have had far too much success to date - it's time to push back and push back hard. Since when did support for opening the borders to an invasion of cheap labor become a Democratic position? Flooding the country and diluting wages with cheap labor is a libertarian position, not a liberal one. If this is the kind of tripe the "progressive" "netroots" and the Deaniacs have to offer the party, you must and shall be opposed. Us moderates, old style union members, DLCers, Blue Dogs, and traditional liberals WILL take our party back from the rabid political correctness crowd and the closet libertarians. Seeing this vile tripe on this blog is just more motivation. You "progressive" nutters want a civil war in the party? You just got one.
Posted by: Thanks for the heads up! | July 01, 2006 at 05:42 AM
Today I talked to Pima County Democratic Headquarters and was informed The Bill Johnson Campaign is with a "Little d" meaning he is not a Democrat. The Pima County Democratic Party is in Denial over its Party Platform that states to The Courts, The Sheriff and all Law Enforcement agencies "NOT TO ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS FOR THE PAST 20 YEARS ON ILLEGAL MEXICAN NATIONALS!" These people like Barbara LaWal, Sheriff Dupnik, Raul Grijalvia,Gabrielle Giffords,F. Ann Rodriguez, Steve Emerine,Paula Aboud,Etc; are at odds with Jim Pederson and Dennis DeConcini and Janet Napolitano and myself who support "No Amnesty" "Secure The Border" and "Enforce Legal Employment!" To say anyone that is for letting Mexican Nationals vote in The United States and In Mexican Elections work in The United States and "Surpress Our Wages" then turn around and take our "Social Security Benefits" and ship the checks to Mexico, then if questioned are accused of being "Small d Democrats must have a screw loose. I saw the Democratic Party during the 1960's go hard Left,and as a Democratic Precinct Committeeman warned Steve Emerine that we would start loosing elections! Now The Democratic Party Regulars have said' Enough is Enough, this is a "Pivotal Turning Point in 2006 and 2008." My Candidacy is aimed at 2008 and will continue to support American Citizens over Illegal Mexican Nationals who have destoyed the Wage Structure in America by Surpressing the "Minimum Wage for over 10 years! Enough IS enough; "NO MAS!" I knew MO Udall before he became a Congressman as a Mormon and good friend. Our Funeral Homes Brings Funeral Homes Inc. have deep Mormon Ties and many Mormon friends in Southern Arizona, don't count the Mormon Church out of supporting a Candidate that has its Values,Ethics and Morals at heart, not supporting a unlimited Mexican National Invasion that is changing voting patterns by being registered in both Mexico and the United States! The Mormons have settled much of Arizona and St. David wa Mo Udall's home also. Don't count out the "Little d' Democrats as they speak for the Majority of the Voters in CD8!
Posted by: Dwight D. Leister: Chair: Committee To Elect | July 03, 2006 at 10:24 PM
Thanks for the info on this blog. I just got a very dubious call from the Johnson campaign, asking to press "1" if I wanted to vote for Johnson and "stop the invasion" or press "2" if I planned to vote otherwise. I was tempted to press "1" since I assumed invasion was a reference to Iraq, but thought there were other Democratic candidates that I had heard of who support pulling out of Iraq and so pushed 2 and quickly googled Bill Johnson -- which led me to your site. I suspect I won't be the only one to be confused by the call -- but if he claims any kind of victory as a result of these dishonest phone survey tactics, it will be due to confusion and thus be completely bogus.
Posted by: Edie Jarolim | July 28, 2006 at 12:55 PM
Good info Edie. The Johnson campaign is conducting a misleading robo-poll. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Posted by: mbryanaz | July 28, 2006 at 02:41 PM
I just read the article on Russ Dove and then his feedback! Russell,I am your sister-in-law, the one who gave you a ride to live in Arizona so you could get it together!! Your mom would not even believe that this is you talking like this!! You were raised in a wonderful, loving Christian home- how dare you have so much hatred? I suppose what made me the angriest reading your feedback is when you suggest that you are "doing this to pass freedom on to your son's children." When is the last time you even saw your son? Do you even know anything about him? You have NEVER supported him with your love or finances. WE ALL HAVE-and continue to do so. He didn't have enough money to eat recently-do you care? Maybe you should go back to the real Russell Dove! The one with the beautiful eyes, loves to laugh and, of course, amaze all with his brains even when he has tattoos!!! Take care of yourself Russ, you will be answering to HIM one day!!
Posted by: Alisa | September 24, 2007 at 11:15 AM
He's running for judge in LA and doing well:
Posted by: Hemford | May 29, 2008 at 10:43 AM